Stand up for your rights

“Thanks to Assange, Snowden and Manning, you know the limits of freedom. You know you are spied on every hour of every day. You know how governments kill and torture alleged enemies.

Bradley Chelsea Manning is serving thirty-five years in an American federal prison. Julian Assange has been confined in England for four years without a single charge brought against him. Edward Snowden is trapped in Moscow. We will honor their courage by erecting a monument, designed by Italian sculptor Davide Dormino.

We can help him achieve this tribute by signing up to support its construction by sending donations to meet the 150,000 € cost. Most statues in public spaces commemorate warriors.

The Dormino statue pays homage to three who said no to war, to the lies that lead to war and to the intrusion into private life that helps to perpetuate war. Manning, Assange and Snowden accepted their loss of freedom. While you remain free, thank them by erecting this reminder that we can refuse to collaborate with unaccountable power. Quote from Charles Glass